Introduction to Deep Learning

While there are Deep Learning courses everywhere, as the tools have become widely used, it is still hard to find a course that builds a solid foundation by a utilizing non-trivial hands-on approach.
This is the reason we have built this course. Learn deep learning profoundly and effectively while still target engineers in the industry.


The course:
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Covers concepts in Deep Learning and their applications to data science tasks.
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Provides practical knowledge and tools for utilizing deep learning.
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Hands-on experience with emphasis on real world code and intuition by interactive visualization.
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Targets software developers, system engineers and algorithms engineers who are after a first dive into the field.

Main Topics

Deep learning fundamentals Perceptron, fully connected layers, activations, back-propagation
Training a network Initialization, optimization, regularization
Convolutional neural networks 1D and 2D convolution, layers, pre-trained architectures, transfer learning
Recurrent neural networks
Unsupervised deep learning Auto-encodes and GANs

Slide Samples


  • The participants will be able to match the proper approach and net architecture to a given problem.
  • The participants will learn how to use the PyTorch framework.
  • The participants will be able to utilize existing nets by transfer learning, retrain them to a specific problem and benchmark results.

Pre Built Syllabus

We have been given this course in various lengths, targeting different audiences. The final syllabus will be decided and customized according to audience, allowed time and other needs.

Day Subject Details
1 Essential machine learning Regression, classification, optimization (gradient descent)
Deep learning fundamentals Fully connected networks: regression, classification and activation
Back-propagation Forward pass, backward pass and the chain rule
Initialization and optimization methods Pre-processing, weights initialization, optimization update rules
Regularization methods Early stopping, weights regularization, weight decay, dropout
Exercise 1 Regression using a self implemented network (from scratch)
2 PyTorch I Tensors, autograd, modules, GPU
PyTorch II Hooks and callback, activation analysis, learning rate schedulers, TensorBoard
Convolutional neural network (CNN) Convolution, convolutional layers, pooling, batch normalization
CNN architectures Alexnet, VGG, Inception, ResNet, transfer learning, introduction to object detection and segmentation
Hands-on tips Data augmentation, label smoothing, mixup augmentation, ensembles, 10-crop
Exercise 2 Classification (Cifar-10)
3 Unsupervised (self-supervised) deep learning Auto-encoders, introduction to GAN
Recurrent neural network (RNN) Vanilla RNN, GRU, LSTM, RNN architectures, Sampling from RNN
Exercise 3 GANs and music generation with RNN

In addition to the exercises in the syllabus, there are many more mini-exercises (within each topic).


Knowledge in machine learning is required, if needed, we recommend taking this course after taking (one of) our machine learning courses: Machine Learning Methods or Introduction to Machine Learning.

  • Linear algebra
  • Basic calculus
  • Machine learning
  • Experience with a scientific language (Python, Matlab, R, etc')

In any case any of the prerequisites are not met, we can offer a half day sprint on: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Python.