Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning is everywhere. It used to be an exclusive tool used only by the giants in the industry.
Yet in our days it is used everywhere for many tasks.
From the simple tasks to the most advanced, from factories and the production line to IP based companies.
It is a must-have tool in any developer toolbox. If you want to start with, this is the course to take.


The course:
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Covers concepts in Machine Learning and their applications to data science tasks.
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Target developers who are required to participate in the development of an ML based application/algorithm.
${\color{lime}\surd}$ Designed to give a high-level overview of the field, the applications, and when and how to use it for System Engineers / Project Managers.

Scientific Foundations Linear algebra, optimization, probability, Python
Supervised Learning Classification and regression
Unsupervised Learning Density estimation, clustering, and dimensionality reduction

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  • The participants will be able to match the proper approach to a given problem.
  • The participants will take into consideration the advantages\disadvantages of the learned methods.
  • The participants will contribute to the development of ML pipeline: Processing raw data, implementing algorithms, and benchmark the results.

For comprehensive overview of the modern machine learning filed we recommend taking the Introduction to deep learning course right after this course.

Pre Built Syllabus

We have been given this course in various lengths, targeting different audiences. The final syllabus will be decided and customized according to audience, allowed time and other needs.

Day Subject Details
1 Linear Algebra and Optimization Vectors, norms, matrices, gradient descent
Classification Linear classification, support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbors (K-NN)
Performance Evaluation Overfit/underfit, cross validation, confusion matrix, loss (risk) function, performance quality (metric and scoring): accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 score, ROC and AUC
Feature Engineering Feature transform, the kernel trick, feature selection
Exercise 0 Classification and Python: numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, and seabron
2 Essential Probability Random variable\vector (discrete\continuous), expected value and higher moments, statistical dependency and correlation, Bayes’ rule
Parametric Estimation Maximum likelihood (ML)
Non Parametric Estimation Histogram, kernel density estimation (KDE), order statistics
Statistical Classification Logistic regression, decision trees
Exercise 1 Classification, data analysis, visualization
3 Linear Regression Linear least squares, polynomial fit and feature transform, R2 score
Clustering K-means, K-medoids, DBSCAN, hierarchical clustering (Ward’s method)
Component Analysis Principal component analysis (PCA)
Non Linear Dimensionality Reduction Multidimensional scaling (MDS), Isomaps, T-SNE
Exercise 2 Regression, data analysis, visualization

In addition to the exercises in the syllabus, there are many more mini-exercises (within each topic).


The course is an introductory course and as such, we try to minimize the prerequisites.
Moreover, we only assume a basic knowledge in each of the following:

  • Linear Algebra.
  • Basic Calculus.
  • Basic Probability Theory.
  • Basic Python and / or MATLAB knowledge.

In any case any of the prerequisites are not met, we can offer a half day sprint on: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Python.

We also offer advanced course in machine learning with emphasize on many advanced methods: Machine learning methods.

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